Canadian Greenhouse Conference

Presented by
Sollum Technologies

Canadian Greenhouse Conference

Presented by

October 9-10, 2024

Niagara Falls Convention Centre
Niagara Falls, ON
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Come and meet the Sollum team at the 2024 Canadian Greenhouse Conference!
October 9 and 10, at the Canadian Greenhouse Conference: Agronomist Rose Séguin from Sollum Technologies will step into the future of lit greenhouse production by presenting the latest findings in growing novel crops that fulfil a diversified consumer demand.

Meet us at the event

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Take part in live demos at the Sollum Technologies booth

Come and see our technology in action at booth 2007! Sollum will have a dedicated demonstration area where you can experience the capabilities of Sollum’s innovative lighting solution firsthand thanks to interactive displays, live product demonstrations and personalized consultations that will help you “grow smart”.

On site for in-depth discussions and to learn more about how Sollum’s technology can benefit your greenhouse operations will be, among others: horticultural experts Sam Soltaninejad, Rose Séguin, Honorine Lefèvre and Daniel Terlizzese, senior members of the sales team Nick Occhionero, Matthew Bonavita and Kassim Tremblay and our president and CEO, Louis Brun. 

In the meantime, watch this short video for a preview of what Sollum is all about.

About us Sollum Technologies

About us Sollum Technologies

Sollum Technologies

Let’s grow forward, together

Let’s grow forward,

Sollum Technologies designed the only 100% dynamic LED lighting solution that modulates the full spectrum of the Sun’s natural light to illuminate closed environments such as greenhouses, research centers and laboratories. Sollum's award winning, turnkey solution consists of Internet of Things, AI-powered light fixtures that are controlled by Sollum's proprietary SUN as a Service® cloud platform.
Explore our solution

Attend our conference on novel greenhouse crops led by
Sollum agronomist Rose Séguin

Sollum Agronomist Rose Séguin will be leading a conference session on October 9, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. entitled: "Novel Crops Coming to Lit Greenhouse Production: What We Know & What We’re Learning."

Rose will focus on how greenhouse production can adapt to consumer demand for diverse crops, including eggplants, berries, melons, and greens. More specifically, she will address the latest findings in the cultivation of soft fruits, emerging vine crops,
and nutraceuticals (food as medicine).

Come and take a peek at the future of crop diversification and practices in lit greenhouse production!

The Canadian Greenhouse Conference Returns for 2024!

For over 40 years, the Canadian Greenhouse Conference has grown into the foremost event for commercial greenhouse flower, vegetable, cannabis, berry and nursery producers. The conference
is the ultimate connection point for growers, suppliers and research partners who want to learn about the latest advancements in greenhouse production from experts in their field. Held in Ontario,
it attracts attendees from not only Canada, but the USA and overseas as well.

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About Sollum Technologies

About us Sollum Technologies

Sollum Technologies

Let’s grow together

Let’s grow forward,

Sollum Technologies has developed a unique solution for fully dynamic LED lighting that modulates the entire spectrum of sunlight to illuminate enclosed environments such as greenhouses, research centers, and laboratories. Sollum's award-winning turnkey solution consists of luminaires connected to the Internet of Things, powered by artificial intelligence, and controlled by Sollum's Sunlight at Your Service Platform (SOLaS).
Explore our solution

Our customers talk about us

Magalie Rajotte
Les Serres de la Vallière

"At the beginning, you always need support, and with Sollum I've got it. Someone is always there to help, and that's why they will be part of the second phase of my project.”

What our customers say

Nancy Clermont
Les Serres Sagami-Savoura

"We're delighted to be working with a local team to develop new technologies. The Sollum team is dynamic, professional and close to its clients.”

What our customers say

Gabrielle Laroche
Rose Drummond

"With our Sollum dynamic lighting, we create zones to adapt the spectrum, intensity and photoperiod to grow 15+ varieties of gerberas, roses, alstroemerias, tomatoes and cucumbers.”

What our customers say

Bob Jones Jr.
Chef de la direction, The Chef’s Garden

"Sollum Technologies' lighting solution makes it easier for us to supply culinary artists with extraordinary vegetables. Our seedlings grow faster, are more beautiful, taste better and, importantly, retain their quality for a much longer time."

What our customers say

Gene Ingratta
Président de Allegro Acres inc.

"We made the bold move by starting with the cultivation of several varieties of red, yellow and orange bell peppers during the winter on 4 acres of greenhouses by using the most innovative LED technology available on the market. This had never been accomplished with peppers on such a scale, anywhere."

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La solution d’éclairage intelligent DEL à spectre complet de Sollum est judicieuse sur le plan des affaires.
Canada / Serre / Fraises
Les fraises

Découvrez les avantages de la culture des fraises avec la solution d’éclairage dynamique DEL de Sollum

La production de fraises en serre est en augmentation partout dans le monde. Les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de l’impact environnemental de la production alimentaire et recherchent des alternatives aux fraises importées, traitées chimiquement et récoltées avant leur pleine maturité.

Lire I'histoire
La solution d’éclairage intelligent DEL à spectre complet de Sollum est judicieuse sur le plan des affaires.
Canada / Serre / Concombres
Prism Farms

Une transition réussie vers une culture plus rentable grâce à l’éclairage dynamique DEL

En 2022, Prism Farms s’est associé à Sollum Technologies afin d’installer sa solution d’éclairage dynamique DEL dans une nouvelle serre dédiée aux cultures d’automne.

Lire I'histoire
La solution d’éclairage intelligent DEL à spectre complet de Sollum est judicieuse sur le plan des affaires.
États-Unis / Serre / Radis / Laitues
The Chef's Garden

Un éclairage sur mesure pour des produits maraîchers sur mesure

Depuis des décennies, The Chef’s Garden (Ohio) est réputé pour cultiver des produits de qualité répondant aux normes culinaires les plus élevées des grands chefs. L’entreprise fait appel à Sollum et sa solution d’éclairage intelligent DEL pour accroître le rendement, et aussi la saveur de ses produits.

Lire I'histoire
La solution d’éclairage intelligent DEL à spectre complet de Sollum est judicieuse sur le plan des affaires.
Canada / Serre / Poivrons
Allegro Acres

Allegro Acres Chapitre 3:
Rétrospective de la saison

Alors que la première saison de culture d'Allegro Acres se termine, nous nous penchons sur les principales réussites, les enseignements et les prochaines étapes ainsi que sur les objectifs liés à la durabilité et au changement climatique.

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